Updated February 2024
City of Austin Rainwater Collection System Rebate
The City of Austin Water Utility offers a capacity-based rainwater harvesting system rebate program. The program applies to rain barrels as well as larger capacity rainwater collection systems. The rebate program is structured as follows:
- $0.50 per gallon for non-pressurized systems (no pumps), not to exceed 50% of system cost
- $1.00 per gallon for pressurized systems (with pump), not to exceed 50% of system cost
- Total maximum lifetime rebate amount of $5,000 per site
- All sizes of rain barrels and rainwater collection cisterns/tanks are eligible
Rebate covers materials and labor for dedicated system components including tank, pad, screens, filters, first-flush, and selected piping installation only, but does not include gutters, irrigation system components, or backflow preventers.
The main eligibility requirements include:
- Applicant must be a customer of Austin Water or an eligible water district (see below).
- Systems of more than 500 gallons will require approval prior to system installation.
- Tanks of more than 500 gallons will require the installation of a first-flush diversion system and a sturdy, level base constructed of gravel, sand, or concrete. Wooden, above ground platforms are not permitted for large cisterns.
- Pressurized systems require the installation of an RPZ backflow preventer at City of Austin water meters. Systems with a pump and/or tanks more than 10 ft high are considered pressurized. The installation of an RPZ backflow preventer requires a plumbing permit. Depending on your system, other permits may be required. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the system construction does not violate subdivision or zoning regulations (including setback restrictions, impervious cover limitations, etc.) and homeowners association enforced restrictions.
- Applicant must maintain the install backflow prevention device as per City of Austin regulations.
- Collection of rainwater cannot be used for potable use.
- Plus many others…
The City of Austin also extends the rainwater harvesting system rebate to the customers of the water districts that purchase water from the City of Austin.
- Aqua Texas- Morningside
- Aqua Texas- Night Hawk WSC
- Aqua Texas- Rivercrest Water Systems
- City of Rollingwood
- City of Sunset Valley
- City of Westlake Hills
- Creedmoor-Maha WSC
- High Valley WSC
- Marsha WSC
- Mid-Tex Utilities
- North Austin MUD #1
- Northtown MUD
- Shady Hollow MUD
- Travis County WCID #10
- Village of San Leanna
- Wells Branch MUD
- Windermere Utility
The City of Austin also has a location specific Rain Catcher Pilot Program for those residing in the Waller Creek Neighborhood. Additional rebates and incentives are offered to those who install Rainwater Systems or Rain Gardens.
Give us a call or schedule a consultation and we can help you make sense of all the requirements. As part of our installation service, we will provide all of the documentation necessary to complete the rainwater harvesting system rebate application.
The City of Austin uses an online application process so you can click the button below to start the process. We have also put together a post which explains the steps of the process. Remember that if you contract with us to install your rainwater harvesting system, we will provide all of the documentation necessary for the rebate process.
City of Austin Residential Graywater Reuse Rebate
The City of Austin Water Utility offers a rebate for laundry-to-landscape graywater reuse systems. The program applies to equipment to reuse your laundry graywater to water your landscape. The rebate program is structured as follows:
- 50% of eligible system material costs, up to $150
- Limit one rebate per property address
- Eligible system material costs include (1) three-way valve, tubing, fittings, clamps, adapters, auto vents, and basin materials such as mulch. Labor, shipping or delivery, applicable taxes, and costs of auxiliary water source requirements are not included.
The main eligibility requirements include:
- Be an Austin Water residential customer or qualifying water provider
- Must be the property owner or utility account holder
- Agrees to keep the laundry-to-landscape system installed in the Austin Water service area
- Agrees to any needed post-installation inspections by Austin Water
- Willing to let Austin Water reference the project in outreach materials
- Graywater System may only use laundry graywater from residential washing machines
- Must be a new system; may not be replacing an existing laundry-to-landscape system
- Must be a gravity-fed system
- Graywater must not be stored, runoff into streets and waterways, and not pond on or pool on the soil surface
- System must meet all City of Austin permit requirements, including Cross Connection Protection, Plumbing Code, and Watershed Protection requirements, as well as all other regulations as applicable
- System may not be in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone or any other area deemed to be environmentally sensitive. Click to find a map of the graywater reuse restricted areas in Austin.
Give us a call or schedule a consultation and we can help you make sense of all the requirements. As part of our installation service, we will provide all of the documentation necessary to complete the graywater reuse system rebate application.
Click the button below to start the City of Austin rebate application process.
City of Austin Residential Water Conservation Rebates
The City of Austin also offers many other water conservation rebates that provide residential customers a great opportunity to conserve water and save money.
- Irrigation Upgrade – up to $1000 to improve irrigation efficiency
- Rain Sensor or Soil Moisture Sensor – up to $50
- Irrigation System Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) – up to $150
- Pressure Regulating Components other than PRV (such as heads, station valves,
and valve attachments) – up to $400 - Converting station from spray to multi-stream, multi-trajectory rotor nozzles – $4 a nozzle, up to $200
- Converting station from 2- or 4-inch pop up heads to 6-inch heads – $3 a head, up to $200
- Converting a station to drip – up to $50 per station
- Capping a station (remove station valve and keep for final inspection) – $100 per station
- Landscape Survival Tools – up to $120 for compost, mulch, and core aeration service
- $50 for at least 2 cubic yards (54 cubic feet) of compost (DilloDirt is acceptable)
- $40 for at least 2 cubic yards (54 cubic feet) of mulch
- $30 for core aeration service of entire front and/or back lawn
- Pool Cover – up to $200 for new pool cover
- Limited to one Pool Cover Rebate per customer, per service address
- Manual pool cover or solar rings: 50% of the purchase price up to $50
- Permanent mechanical pool cover: 50% of the purchase price up to $200
- Pressure Regulating Valve – up to $150 for pressure regulating valve
- Limited to one rebate per household for the life of the house
- Up to $150 per water account for parts and labor (tax is not included)
- Watering Timer – up to $40 for hose timers
- Limited to one rebate (for up to two watering timers) per customer, per service address
- 50% of the before tax purchase price up to $40
- WaterWise Landscape – up to $3,000 to convert turf grass to native beds
- Up to $3,000 per property (lifetime limit)
- WaterWise Rainscape – up to $500 for landscape features to retain rainwater
- $0.30 for every square foot converted (100 sq. ft. minimum), up to $500 per property
(lifetime limit)
- $0.30 for every square foot converted (100 sq. ft. minimum), up to $500 per property
City of Austin Commercial Water Conservation Rebates
The City of Austin hasn’t forgotten about their commercial customers. They provide a very robust suite of water conservation rebates options for their commercial customers.
- Bucks for Business – up to $100,000 for equipment and process efficiency upgrades
- Commercial Kitchen – from $40 to $2,500 per item for water-efficient kitchen equipment
- Irrigation System Improvement – to increase irrigation efficiency
- Rainwater Harvesting – up to $5,000 for equipment to capture rainwater
- Water Efficiency Audit – up to $5,000 for an audit to identify potential water savings
- Pressure Regulating Valve (Multi-family only) – up to $500 for pressure regulating valve
- WaterWise Landscape (Multi-family HOA only) – up to $5,000 to convert turf grass to native plants
- WaterWise Rainscape (Schools only) – up to $500 for landscape features to retain rainwater