Water is a powerful force. As it makes it way through your property it can create heaps of trouble. Downpours cause mud, puddles, and even potentially seep into one’s home or garage. The erosion caused by rain events over time can be worrisome for property owners as well.
However, there are solutions to it’s mighty power. The first line of defense is always investing in a gutter system for the home. By redirecting the flow of water through the gutters and downspouts, one can begin to solve these issues.
As the downspouts collect the rainwater, it can either be distributed into the yard, or better yet, captured and stored for later use. Collecting rainwater prevents that same water from flooding the yard and contributing to further damage. It controls the runoff, preventing any potential ponding or erosion issues.
The stored water can then be used at a later date as needed. The rainwater collected is immune to water restrictions and ready for use even during a drought. The rainwater collected saves money on water bills and relieves the municipal water system, conserving resources for the next generation. The water can be used for irrigation purposes, washing vehicles, watering plants and gardens or other needs.
But simply installing a rain barrel or rainwater tank at a downspout won’t solve the drainage issue though. In order to truly solve the drainage issue once you have installed a rainwater harvesting system, one must ensure that the overflow water from the rain barrel or rainwater tank doesn’t just fall into the same area where the drainage problem was occurring.
If the excessive water that was causing the drainage issue was allow to just overflow the rain barrel or rainwater tank and fall onto the same area as before, then you would not be solving the drainage issue. It is beneficial then to attempt to direct the rain barrel or rainwater tank overflow to a desired area where the excessive water flow won’t cause any drainage problems. This should be relatively easy since you can simply install an overflow pipe from the top of the rainwater tank and direct it to the best area where it won’t cause a problem.
Drainage issues can be damaging to property, by implementing solutions designed to work with the problem, the results can be beneficial in ways that create a lasting impact.
Interested in more information? Request a consult today!