Apply for the City of Austin Stormwater Management Discount

Did you know that the City of Austin charges each property in Austin a “drainage charge”? The drainage charge is calculated individually for each property, based on the amount and percent of impervious cover. You can read more about that charge later in this post.

So did you know that the City of Austin offers a Stormwater Management Discount program for this drainage charge, both residential and commercial customers? The Stormwater Management Discount acknowledges your efforts and helps to reduce your monthly drainage charge. Why… because if you collect rain water at your home or business, you are helping to reduce flooding, erosion and water pollution problems in the community.

Stormwater Management Discount Eligibility

The following stormwater management systems are eligible for the discount. Note that these stormwater control measures must be voluntary, i.e, not required for development.

  • Rainwater harvesting systems
  • Rain gardens
  • Green roofs
  • Stormwater ponds

How Much can I Save with the Discount?

The discount is calculated individually for each address, based on the amount and percent of impervious cover, including driveways, rooftops, parking lots, etc. Each gallon of stormwater storage offsets both your total amount and percent of impervious cover. You may offset up to 50 percent of your impervious cover with this discount. Discounts are calculated the same way for both commercial and residential properties. Here are some examples of potential discounts:

  • 55 gallon rain barrel, $0.20 to $0.30 per month
  • Small rain garden (60 sq. ft., 6 inches deep), $0.70 to $1.20 per month
  • 1,000 gallon tank, $2.90 to $4.90 per month
  • Please note that the low end of the range is based on a property with 2,000 square feet and 30% impervious cover. The high end is based on a property with 5,000 square feet and 50% impervious cover.

To learn more about this program, you can check out their website and download the City of Austin Stormwater Management Discount Guidance Manual.

Rainwater Harvesting System Requirements

In this post, we will focus on the rainwater harvesting system requirements for the application. There are two separate tracts you can apply for under the rainwater harvesting systems eligibility, 250 gallons or less, or 250 gallons or more.

If your rainwater harvesting system consists of tanks that are each less than 250 gallons, you will need the following information to apply:

  • Utility Account number (You can find this on your City of Austin utilities invoice.)
  • Capacity of your tanks
  • Photo

If your rainwater harvesting system consists of tanks that are each more than 250 gallons, you will need the following information to apply:

  • Utility account number
  • Permit or Site Plan / Subdivision Number (for commercial properties only)
  • Photos showing each tank. Photos must show connection to downspout AND that it has an outflow device (hose, spigot, etc.)
  • Site Map (sketch or drawing), including the location of the tanks, flow of rain water to the tanks and approximate dimensions of the impervious cover draining to the tanks

Before starting the application, make sure to have all of the information and documents listed above. There is no way to save the application and come back to it later with the requested information.

Ready to Apply? Let’s Go!

Start the Stormwater Management Discount Application

Here are some screenshots to help walk you through the process.

This is the intake screen where you make your selection on the type of stormwater control measure on your property. If you have multiple control measures on your property, you can select them all here. Again, for this post, we will be only going through the rainwater harvesting systems portion.

On the next screen, you will input all the information about the rainwater harvesting tank(s) on your property.

You will continue on to the section where you will upload your photo(s) and your site map. You can see a site plan example here.

Next, you will confirm that you agree to maintain the tanks and equipment according to the maintenance guidelines. For rainwater harvesting systems, these include:

  • After every rainfall…
    • Empty the tank within 5 days so it is ready to catch the next rain event.
    • Check for erosion in areas where irrigation system drains to. Move hoses as needed by plants and to minimize erosion.
  • Every three months…
    • Inspect the tank(s) to confirm it is working as expected.
    • Make sure screens are in place over inlet and outlet pipes to prevent mosquito access.
    • Clean gutter, leaf guards, filter system, pipes and hoses to remove leaves and debris.
    • If the tank(s) links to a sprinkler system, test and inspect the sprinkler system to confirm it is working as intended, and replace any damaged sprinkler heads.

Then after this screen, you will be done.

After submittal, you will be notified by the City of Austin about the discount.

Acceptance Notice

Once approved, you will receive a letter such as this one…

So What is All This About?

The City of Austin assesses a drainage charge on utility bills in order to pay for solutions to flooding, erosion and water pollution in the City.

The drainage charge is calculated individually for each property, based on the amount and percent of impervious cover. Impervious cover has a significant impact on stormwater. It increases the amount and speed of stormwater. It also increases the amount of pollutants in stormwater.

Impervious cover includes:

  • Rooftops
  • Patios
  • Driveways, paved and unpaved
  • Parking lots, paved and unpaved
  • Other surfaces that do not absorb rainfall

The City has an online tool that allows you to see what impervious cover amount they have listed for your property and to find your current drainage charge. Use the Find My Drainage Charge tool.

Have a Commercial Property and Need Some More Assistance?

The requirements for the application of a commercial property that has rain gardens, green roofs, or stormwater ponds as the voluntary control measure is more onerous. We can assist you in creating the application for the stormwater discount for these systems. Please contact us for the next steps!

Chris Maxwell-Gaines: I am a professional civil engineer that focuses on creating impacting and sustainable projects by identifying all of the hidden water conservation opportunities available in a project. I am particularly interested in working within the realms of sustainable site planning, integrated water management and planning, and low impact development practices.
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