The rainwater harvesting system at Anodamine, Inc. has received a 2020 Rain Catcher Award from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for the Commercial/Industrial category.

The TWDB’s Texas Rain Catcher Award recognizes excellence in the application of rainwater harvesting systems in Texas, promotes rainwater harvesting technology, and educates the public on this important water-saving practice.
About the Rainwater Harvesting System
Innovative Water Solutions LLC designed and installed a 55,200 gallon rainwater harvesting system for Anodamine, Inc. which is located in Lago Vista, Texas. The rainwater harvesting system will collect rainwater from 12,000 sf of roof area. The design of the roof along with the location of the cisterns created an opportunity to harvest from nearly the entire roof area of the building. This collection area provides a potential to collect 230,000 gallons of rainwater during an average year of rainfall. The rainwater storage system consists of six (6) 9,200 gallon Contain brand corrugated metal cisterns with internal poly liners. The rainwater is collected from the larger portion of the roof through “dry” connections while a “wet” connection is used to collect rainwater from a downspout on another portion of the roof.
The system employs an automated first-flush diversion system which allows for the first rainwater from the roof to be wasted. Once a set intensity of rainfall is achieved or once a certain amount of rainfall, both measured with an optical sensor, and is reached, the automated system closes the first-flush diversion valves. This automated first-flush system will produce higher-quality harvested rainwater by allowing the rainwater that carries the accumulated dust, pollen, and bird droppings to be wasted.
At this point, the rainwater will flow into the cisterns through inlet filter baskets. The six cisterns are interconnected in series with a 4” pipe which allows the cisterns to all share volume and fill equally. A pump and filter system will pull the rainwater from the equalization pipe to be used to supply water for the industrial processes inside the factory.
The factory is connected to Lago Vista water utility for the factory’s potable water supply. With this rainwater harvesting system, they will be able to use rainwater for their industrial processes rather than using municipally treated water. By reducing their municipally treated water use, they are helping to preserve the local water supply. In addition, this system reduces the stormwater runoff from the building and thus the property, providing local stormwater management benefits.
This system is projected to pay for itself in 7 years using a 3% annual increase in water/wastewater rates by the Lago Vista water utility.

Check out the time-lapse construction video:
About Anodamine, Inc.
Anodamine, Inc. is a U.S. corporation that specializes in the custom chemical synthesis of a unique range of proprietary, environmentally compatible and non-toxic water treatment products. Utilized in high-pressure boiler systems, power stations and refineries, the company’s chemical products are produced for both domestic and export consumption. In addition to chemical products, their product line includes mild and stainless steel dosing equipment, water purification plants, micro and ultra-filtration configurations and accessories. The company was founded by Paul Hattingh, the president of the company, in December 2002.
Interested in getting information about rainwater collection viability in northern Utah climate.
Becky, we believe rainwater harvesting is viable anywhere no matter what your annual rainfall is. I have heard some people so that in dryer climates, rainwater harvesting is not worth it due to the low yield. I would say that ever rain drop in those areas are even more precious than in wetter climates. So if you have a need for water and a rainwater harvesting system can potentially provide the quantities that you require or at least a substantial portion of it, then I would say that a rainwater collection system is viable. I am not sure I can provide much more exact info for your area.
So is this a business you have developing these systems for homes as well as for businesses. I’m looking to see what it would take to build one for my home in the Sherman Texas area. I was looking to tie it into the house to replace the water from the coop. I wasn’t sure how the bacteria concerns were handled any help would be appreciated.
Yes, we install rainwater harvesting systems for both homes and businesses. Our history has mostly been systems for residential customers. Almost everyday, we are installing a rainwater harvesting system for potable use in the Hill Country. Our system design ensures the best rainwater will make it into the cistern, the best rainwater will come out of the cistern, and then it will get filtered and disinfected prior to entering your house. If you have the space for a large rainwater storage tank, then this option is a great opportunity for you to go off-grid.