
How Rainwater Harvesting Systems Can Help During Severe Weather

Rainwater harvesting systems are water conservation systems... you collect rainwater in order to store it and conserve it for later…

Rainwater Harvesting during a Drought: Thinking About the Next Rainy Day

"Why should I invest in a rainwater harvesting system, if there is no rain falling?" Learn why a drought is…

What can I expect during the installation of my rainwater system?

Will my yard be torn up? How do you get the rainwater tank in place? All installation questions answered here.

Project Spotlight: Hennigan Residence

The Hennigans set out on an environmental journey. The goal was to remodel an existing home in a way that…

Do/Peters-Do Residence Wins 2018 TWDB Rain Catcher Award

The Do/Peters-Do Residence in Austin, Texas received the 2018 Rain Catcher Award from the Texas Water Development Board in the…

What are the Benefits and Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting has many benefits but the main one is that it is a sustainable water management practice that can…